Saturday, March 19, 2011

i know i've given you hell

it’s been twenty years, nine months and
one day of bickering,
nagging, screaming,

son, don’t you dare drink before you turn twenty one
son, don’t you dare talk back to me
son, don’t you dare swear in this household
son, don’t you dare get bad grades

i look out of the Great Spectacle of
time and see the sunset in the
blue sky—
the smell of nearing Spring and
the blooming scent stare back
at me through flashes of time
time and time again

i’ve chipped paint off of my white
walls that you spent hours painting
and i’ve played the drums too loud
with a thump, bang, bam—
i’ve broken my wrist with well-earned pain when you
specifically warned me the day before that i would break something
i’ve screamed and shackled your
ease, yet you still put up with all of
my crap—

love really is unconditional

it’s been twenty years, nine months and
one day of you parenting,
loving, caring,
and protecting me

and for so long i’ve been in
the clouds, high above my potential
and i never realized that i just needed

to be grounded

so happy twenty years, nine months and
one day of parenting, mom

i know i’ve given you hell so thank you
for the piece of heaven you have given

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